Conduct Board Application

The student board member for The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards, is beneficial to the university community in two key ways. First, it provides the Student Conduct Administrators with a fair and unbiased means for issuing sanctions beyond their scope of discipline. Second, it provides a voluntary opportunity to work with student leaders who are taking an active role in maintaining community standards that are essential to the learning environment at Temple University.

The student board member is beneficial to Temple’s students in a number of ways. First, it allows accused students the opportunity to explain their situations to board that includes their peers. Second, it gives students a voice in the sanctioning process. Finally, the opportunity to serve on the various hearing boards is an excellent leadership opportunity for the selected representatives.

These benefits only graze the surface of the advantages and potential that the conduct board members have for the entire campus community within residential life, student organizations, and the campus as a whole. It is the Office of Student Conduct's responsibility to maintain an appropriate environment conducive to learning, scholarship, community, and fun.

In order for the student conduct process to reflect the values and standards of members of the University community, it is vital that members of this community have a voice in the student discipline process. As a member of the student conduct board, you will gain valuable skills in decision making, communication, analytical and critical thinking. Serving as a Student Conduct Board Member is a challenging opportunity but offers a unique opportunity to serve the Temple University community while gaining valuable skills.